Lower School Guidance
Why counseling services in an elementary school?
The elementary school experience can influence a child for many years ahead. Occasionally children may need assistance with the developmental challenges of making friends, separating from parents and learning school appropriate behavior. Some children may also encounter difficulties that can impact their ability to learn, such as divorce or separation from family, moving, or loss of a loved one. Counseling services are available to assist with these types of concerns. At Caravel we strive to address the emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth of each student so that he/she may reach his/her full potential.
How do I make use of the counseling services?
- Students can refer themselves by telling their teacher that they would like to speak to the counselor.
- Teachers may refer students
- Parents may refer their child by stopping by the counselor’s office, sending a note to school, or by contacting Ms. Trader at 834-8938 or [email protected]
School Counseling Services:
- Individual & Small Group Counseling to enhance developmental areas such as coping skills, friendship skills, anger management skills, & self-esteem. Group counseling can also address concerns about family separation, divorce, grief and loss.
- Educational testing and speech therapy can be accessed through Christina School District’s Special Services. Please contact me at 834-8938 or [email protected] to gain more information.
- Counseling support for students experiencing a crisis
- Referrals to community resources
- Consulting with parents regarding parenting concerns and family crisis
- Consultation with staff and parents regarding student’s social, emotional, academic, or behavioral concerns
- Teaching Second Step & Junior Achievement Career/Business Programs to seventh and eighth grade students and classroom guidance lessons to first- fourth grade students throughout the school year.