Successfully meet the challenges of college and negotiate life equipped with the abilities to communicate, critically evaluate, and thrive in an ever-changing society.
Be proficient in 21st century technological skills in preparation for responsible digital citizenship in a global society.
Be a thoughtful and effective decision maker by recognizing and appreciating his/her personal strengths and weaknesses, setting and achieving realistic goals, and respecting the differences in himself/herself and others.
Understand and appreciate the history and tradition of our society and government while using this knowledge to act responsibly as an informed citizen.
Demonstrate traditional American values of honesty, respect, personal integrity, and loyalty.
Display the characteristics of leadership, service to the community, good sportsmanship, and involvement as an active alumnus while exemplifying individual responsibility, a lifelong love of learning, and an appreciation of the arts to positively affect the worlds he/she encounters.
A graduate of Caravel Academy Middle Schoolwill:
Be a responsible classroom and school citizen and demonstrate individual responsibility, self-control, honesty, respect, personal integrity, and loyalty.
Apply increasingly sophisticated language arts, mathematics, and 21st century technological skills and knowledge to learning in other content areas.
Recognize the need for flexible thinking and lifelong learning in approaching school and life situations.
Apply organizational and time management skills to manage multiple classes and assignments and some extracurricular activities.
Maintain a love of learning, often most intensely directed to “specialized” talent/interest areas.
Generate a number of viable alternatives and evaluate choices effectively in problem solving/decision making.
Set short- and long-term academic and personal goals.
Understand his/her learning style and utilize this knowledge effectively.
Assume leadership positions in formal or informal learning experiences.
Participate in and value both indirect and direct service to others in the school or wider community.
Practice good sportsmanship in all activities whether as a participant or spectator.
Appreciate the value of the arts and a healthy lifestyle in personal and societal enrichment.
A graduate of the Caravel Academy Lower School will:
Be a responsible classroom and school citizen and demonstrate individual responsibility, self-control, honesty, respect, personal integrity, and loyalty.
Have a solid foundation of the basic skills in language arts, social studies, science, mathematics, and 21st century technology.
Be inspired to enjoy reading and be able to cite particular authors or genres. Apply basic organizational skills to manage assignments.
Enjoy learning new things and applying this knowledge in new and different ways.
Generate at least two alternatives in problem solving or decision making and evaluate the best choice.
Set specific short-term personal and academic goals with teacher guidance.
Respect and value others of all cultures and have a beginner’s oral knowledge of both Spanish and French.
Appreciate the qualities of leadership and followership and practice both in appropriate situations.
Value service to others and participate in indirect service opportunities.
Practice good sportsmanship in PE class, at recess, and in classroom competitive situations.
Find value and opportunities for personal expression and/or enjoyment in music, art, and physical activity.